If you look back a few years, you can see that various herbs were an integral part of horse pastures. Unfortunately, many of them are no longer found today or are only found in very small quantities. This is due to husbandry, environmental and feed conditions. The industry has already reacted to this. More and more horse feed manufacturers are offering certain supplementary feed with herbs added.
Our horses need species-appropriate care, which means sufficient exercise, social contact with other horses, always fresh water and high-quality feed, not to mention loving care.
Herbs have a proven healing effect that can improve the well-being of our horses in the long term. Due to the pure power of nature, herbs usually do not work immediately. Therefore, we always recommend a course of treatment (10 - 20 days as needed, or permanently if necessary - depending on the illness). If you use the right amount of tea, the horse's body is not burdened. In this way, certain illnesses or everyday complaints can be treated gently with medicinal herbs. With the help of the natural power of herbs, you support your horse's entire organism. Starting with supporting the coat change, through cough and bronchial tea mixtures, for metabolic disorders, digestive problems, etc., to tea mixtures for old horses to improve general well-being.
Please note that herbal mixtures/tea mixtures are not a substitute for veterinary advice. Some herbs should not be fed to pregnant mares. If medicines are given at the same time, we would advise that this should be done at a different meal.
Please note that we only use tea herbs in pharmacopoeia quality.